Friday, 18 December 2015

19/12/2015 Grass !

Grass ! well half way there. we think there was a misunderstanding with our order we ordered 46sqm but the order got delivered as 40sqm so we didn't have quite enough. we have to wait to do one side of our lawn until the neighbours are finished as we get a daily dump of building waste falling on our lawn each day so best leave that side until they are finished building. the council also advised do not touch the council strip as they will dig it all up and do their landscaping. here are some pics. pool people still haven't come to finish off. guess that's it now and they wont be coming before xmas? cmon Better pools and spas - we want to have a swim !

Thursday, 17 December 2015

17/12/2015 decking stained and laundry completed.

Laundry - glass splashback was put in a week ago. Bit lazy with the blog these days....its Starphire glass and the colour match was Dulux Seafoam (half) . They managed to fit a 3m piece in with no join. The colour is actually a little darker in real life.

The never ending deck is almost done. just three pieces needed to cut and finish off at the back and at the front. The pool area has had two lots of stain, the alfresco has one coat and we will do another tomorrow night. Dirt also arrived last Saturday and has been spread around. We won't completely finish the garden until the high side has finished building (maybe three more months) as a lot of their stuff falls onto our land. (as per previous  rants neighbours didn't want a retaining wall) so at the front of the house we didn't build one and now as they have built up we get a load of crap all fall into our yard and footpath. )not sure how this will right itself maybe after they landscape and discover they need a retaining wall after all)  but it is not important right . Deck looks pretty good for amateurs ! I spent the day cleaning out the pool shell in the hope they will turn up to finish it .....not looking good. 40 degrees tomorrow and I still can't swim.

we have handed in our warranty fix list. just minor things I guess - cracked tiles that were cracked and not noticed until we moved in. rusty window and door handles. kitchen tap leaks at its base, and a few other things... 

Thursday, 3 December 2015

03/12/2015 Pool fence approved by Council and retaining wall dilemmas again !

pool fence passed all ok. got the certificate now so just praying that the pool company has enough time to come out before xmas to finish it off.

still got a little more decking to do, but not too much left now.

Next door's land got scraped today..... just a recap.......neighbours would not contribute to a retaining wall. Preferably we wanted to build a wall that would be sufficient to cover our both builds so that there were no issues in the future we had no choice ended up doing a wall on our side of the boundary to suit our build and it was about 1m high at points....neighbour was warned that he needed to underpin if he was digging down deeper and close to our wall (which his plans say he is). I was worried as wisdom just dug down on the boundary of another house a few doors up with a driveway sticking up in the air over 1m high..... knew they would do the same to us without giving a crap....

so of course they scraped yesterday...had a tractor scraping against the footings.....they did not take the wall into consideration at all. Hopefully everything will turn out ok...

its already so noisy living here - trucks all up the street from about 6am and roads is always blocked so am dreading living next to a building site for the close to 1 year it takes Wisdom to build a house. why can't people get their .... together and build within the time they are supposed to. rant over. ha ha

02/12/2015 pool fence completed

Glass Pool fence was installed today . Decking around the pool was  stained a couple of days ago. It has gone a lot darker. Just found out we need to seal the travertine coping.....its gotten so dirty in the month or two its been sitting a special cleaner and sealer from the stone supplier so hopefully that will do the trick. Thinking picking waterline tile colour on the net was nit such a good idea ! hahahah at the supplier showroom today  I saw what they look like on a picture..... they are a bit too dark for what we were going for. the inside we have chosen white pebble with mix of two colours of blue glass. hopefully it will look ok. we had to add screening to the top of the fence as it was too short (council put that fence in) . the neighbours were offered a taller fence and we would pay for it all, they agreed then when fence guy was about to start they changed their mind......but of course all our neighbours say no to the correct way of doing things (see my next post)  hahahah now they get to look at the back of this .....nice

We have also decked the front porch and entrance areas. looks good but I was adamant the boards are usually laid horizontal in all the diplay homes......Hubby disagreed but went with it....turns out I was wrong ! who knew !